#16 Frustrated Marriage

Frustration, disillusionment, irritation – it’s common for spouses to experience a variety of disappointments in marriage. From mild and temporary setbacks, to sustained desolation, spouses are often unsure how to get out of the marital funk. In this episode we explore some key ideas to ease the marital frustration and regain serenity.
Byron Pirola is husband to Francine and father to their five children. He has worked in business as a management consultant for almost 40 years and is highly regarded in the industry, as well as in Catholic circles for his business acumen. He has also supported and worked alongside Francine in their marriage and family apostolate for most of their married life.
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- SmartLoving BreakThrough course
- Divorce Buster – Michelle Weiner-Davis
Bless you!
- Francine: Daily Gospel Exegesis from Logical Bible Podcast. Spotify . Apple Podcasts . Patreon . Interview with the podcaster
- Byron: Lives of the Saints Podcast. – Covenant Network
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