
For centuries the Church has been enriched by the insights of celibate mystics and religious, so much so, that celibate spirituality has come to dominate our understanding of Catholic spirituality. Their wisdom has been a wonderful gift to the people of God and continues to bear fruit across many sectors of the faithful.

However, the emphasis on ordered devotions and long hours of prayer is not well suited to busy family life with the unpredictable demands of children, elders and work.  Nor is it particularly appropriate for those in the vocation of Matrimony. Married couples are called to live their spirituality differently to monastics and religious; to live it in a way that reflects the charisms and sacramental graces of marriage. We offer the following resources and links as helpful start in your journey as a couple.

Blog Series

Spiritual Intimacy: here

Power of Prayer: here

Couple Prayer: here

Trinity Prayer: here

Marriage or Matrimony?: here

Language of Love: here

A Living Sign: here

Theology of the Body: here

Useful Links

SmartLoving | 8 Steps to Couple Prayer: here

Together with Jesus Couple Prayer series: here

Forever Families | Benefits of Couple Prayer: here

For Your Marriage | Spirituality: here