a Total Gift of Self

Being married in the Catholic Church is both a challenge and a privilege. Unlike secular marriage, Catholic couples are called to a radical lifestyle of total self-giving to each other; a lifestyle that goes against many of the expectations of our contemporary society which glorifies personal fulfilment and enshrines individuality. These social expectations are especially strong in the sexual arena.
Against this social backdrop, the Church holds out a magnificent vision for marriage. It calls couples to accept sexual intercourse as a sacred body language - a language in which husband and wife express their total, reciprocal self-giving. This total self-giving includes every aspect of a couple’s personhood - their physical, psychological and spiritual realities. It includes their potential to create children.
Living the truth in our bodies
Natural fertility methods not only make it possible to live this vision of love, they actively nurture a couple’s affection and knowledge of each other as they give of themselves in every act of love. Our lives have been so enriched by the vision of the Church, that it is our earnest desire to share this message with as many couples as possible. We hope that this booklet will dispel some of the myths and encourage every couple who reads it, to give natural fertility methods serious consideration.
Byron & Francine Pirola | Founders SmartLoving
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A Total Gift of Self
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Sexual intimacy is a window onto the Divine; when couples appreciate that their lovemaking is not simply a recreational activity, but a sacred love language, their relationship takes on new purpose and meaning. It ceases to be simply an activity for mutual satisfaction and becomes a divinely-inspired mission to love.
A Total Gift of Self is an introduction to the principles of Fertility Awareness and the methods that couples can use to manage their fertility naturally and in harmony with the God’s purpose and plan for human flourishing.