Because Your Marriage Matters…
Brought to you by the Marriage Resource Centre, SmartLoving provides resources to support couples throughout their commitment life-cycle. The SmartLoving series is recognised internationally as one of the most comprehensive range of materials for Catholic marriage formation.
Grounded in the Theology of the Body, SmartLoving honours the unique strengths of men and women called to love and to be loved. Masterfully created with multimedia and digital technologies, the courses and publications optimise engagement with participants for a comprehensive and powerful experience. SmartLoving draws from a wealth of research, theology, creativity and practical experience to provide a compelling and focused approach to building marriages and families that thrive in faith and in love.
Founded on the principal of 'Centrally Enabled - Locally Delivered' SmartLoving's leader resources equip local communities to provide quality formation experiences without onerous training or financial outlay. Comprehensive leader materials provide step-by-step guides to establish a marriage catechumenate or host a group experience.
Cofounders Francine & Byron Pirola, have over three decades of experience in marriage and family ministry and are supported by a team of volunteer couples and employed creatives. Residing in Australia, they have five adult children and three grandchildren.