Keeping Love Alive in the Present Moment

Keeping Love Alive in the Present Moment WP

Our romantic memories are the fabric of our couple history. When we reconnect with these memories, we reinvigorate our emotional connection in the present and set a positive tone for our future together. 

The Power of Memory 

The Hebrew word for “remember” literally means “make me present to you.” This beautiful insight captures the true power of romantic memories in marriage – they aren’t just nostalgic reflections, but a way to make our love story present and alive in this moment. 

Too often in marriage, we get caught up in immediate challenges – the latest disagreement, daily stresses, or minor frustrations that cloud our vision. Or we become overwhelmed with the mundane busyness of family and work, seeing our spouse as just another part of our routine.  

In these moments, we lose sight of their preciousness and they become a mere accessory in our life. We forget to see our spouse against the backdrop of all the loving moments we’ve shared. 

Choosing What to Remember 

People often speak negatively about ‘digging up the past.’ Indeed, couples can get stuck there, ruminating on hurts and refusing to forgive, keeping negativity alive. Each time they recall these painful memories, they deepen their wounds and poison their present relationship. 

But romantic memories are different – they’re like precious gems buried in our past. When we intentionally recall loving moments with our spouse, we reconnect with the passion, tenderness, and joy that has marked our journey together.  

These memories create positive emotional experiences in the present, inspiring gratitude, joy, and generosity. They are exactly what we want to excavate, again and again. 

This is the key: whatever we choose to dwell on from our past will influence our present, for better or worse. 

A Date Night Activity: Present to the Past 

However you choose to celebrate St Valentines day, here’s a simple activity that will deliver benefits well beyond the day itself. 

Find a quiet corner in a restaurant or a cozy spot at home. Take turns sharing a romantic memory from your relationship: 

  • Be specific about the details – where you were, what was said, how you felt 
  • Share why this memory remains meaningful to you 
  • Reflect together: How does remembering this moment make you feel right now?  
  • Consider: How might this memory inspire you to love your spouse better today? 

Close your time by expressing gratitude for these precious memories and asking God to help you create new ones in the days ahead. 

Remember, this isn’t about living in the past. It’s about harnessing the power of our romantic history to consciously craft a relationship of tenderness in the present.

Francine & Byron Pirola

Francine & Byron Pirola are the founders and principal authors of the SmartLoving series. They are passionate about living Catholic marriage to the full and helping couples reach their marital potential. They have been married since 1988 and have five children. Their articles may be reproduced for non commercial purposes with appropriate acknowledgement and back links. For Media Enquiries Please Contact us here

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