Two of Us: Level of Sexual Desire

Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions.Write some notes so that you can share more fully with your spouse.
Father, How much you love me in the fulness of my being.
You love me specifically as a man/woman.
Sometimes I don’t allow you to love me that way.
I hide my sexuality, when I am with you or think about you.
Free me from this limitation.
Let me be my full self when I am with you.
I ask this through your son Jesus, Amen.
There can be a temptation, in questions like these, to answer from the head rather than from the heart.
The more personal details and life experiences you include, the more real your answers will be.
In talking together, try to be as personal as possible.
1. Describe your sexual desire for each other now? Be authentic. If it is low right now, say so.
2. Answer the following questions in terms of your relationship to your husband/wife.
a. My goal is to love you totally with no reservations. Describe what that means to me.
b. What holds me back from this totality?
c. The following are important to you. The ones I most need to improve are: (check all that apply)
___ Listen to you
___ Not holding grudges
___ Reconciling
___ Non verbal communication
___ Telling you what is going on inside me
___ How we fight
___ Letting you be you
___ My priorities
___ My moods
___ My hopes
___ Other
d. Take two you have checked in number 3 and explain fully.
e. How can we make our love more visible to our children?