Two of Us: Being Better

In what ways can I improve my behaviors and attitudes for the benefit of both my spouse and my family?


Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions. 
Write some notes and then share your answers more fully with your spouse.


I know You want the best for me. 
You are the greatest Father in the world
and You have the highest hopes and ambitions for me. 
Father, a lot of times I settle for what I think life is all about. 
I do my thing. Help me to do Your thing. 
Let me take on Your plans for me. 
I am going to send Your Son to speak for me.  Amen.

1. In the left hand column below, put an (s) next to the behaviors/attitudes which you think you demonstrate regularly toward your spouse; put a (c) next to the behaviors/attitudes which you think you demonstrate regularly toward your child/children.

On the right hand side of each column below, put an (X) next to any behaviors/attitudes which you would like to maintain or improve on, in yourself as a spouse/parent; put an (O) next to any behaviors/attitudes you would like to eliminate in yourself as a spouse/parent.

___ firm/rigid ___ easy-going
___ honest ___ affectionate
___ understanding ___ pushy
___ consistent ___ a good listener
___ generous with my time ___ unsure
___ patient ___ pressured
___ ambitious ___ prayerful
___ fun-loving ___ independent
___ sensitive ___ logical
___ possessive ___ talkative
___ permissive ___ joyful
___ tender ___ protective
___ inconsistent ___ frustrated
___ comforting ___ angry
___ organized ___ trusting
___ forgiving ___ anxious
___ affirming ___ critical
___ sympathetic ___ dutiful
___ pessimistic ___ flexible

Take the three most significant and spell them out in great detail.



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