Why Won’t You Have Sex with Me?

Christopher West | The Cor Project | More: here “Why won’t you have sex with me?” she pleaded. “I want to learn to love you in the right way,” he responded with heartfelt emotion. “But I want you to desire me!” she insisted. “I do,” he said. “But what I desire is to love you, not use you.” A…

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Do Catholics Have Better Sex?

According to research by the Family Research Council, that’s a resounding ‘Yes!’ Drawing on data from a number of studies, devout, married Catholics have the best sex of any demographic group, says study author Patrick Fagan. He relied heavily on information from the National Health and Social Life Survey, conducted by the University of Chicago in 1992,…

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Tainted Love: Why is 50 Shades of Grey so Popular?

This article first appeared in Patheos and is republished here with the permission of the author. Note:  The following article deals frankly with sexual topics Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that 50 Shades of Grey, a popular soft-core pornographic movie about a timid young woman who is sexually dominated by a billionaire,…

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Is the Catholic Church Obsessed with Sex?

By Bernard Toutounji (Foolish Wisdom) Without a doubt, the articles I write which attract the most feedback (positive or negative) are always those that discuss sexual morality and the Catholic Church. Nothing seems to raise the emotions of people more than knowing that the Catholic Church has an opinion on sex. And while it may…

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How Porn Kills Great Sex in Marriage

porn marriage||How Porn Kills Great Sex in Marriage

According to Sam Black of Covenant Eyes, there are four fundamental ways that pornography undermines marital sex. Contrary to expectations, porn won’t make you a better lover, it won’t spice things up, it certainly won’t help you deepen your understanding of God’s plan for your sex life. He explains how porn hurts a good sex…

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Climax Problems (Sex)

Climax, or orgasm, occurs when the level of arousal reaches a point of intensity that triggers rhythmic muscular contractions in the genital area. Orgasm is also associated with intense experience of pleasure. The release of the hormone oxytocin in the brain at the time of orgasm, stimulates a sense of connection and bonding. In fact,…

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Sex: for pleasure or life-giving love?

From the so-called ‘articles’ in Playboy to public billboards, the social discussion on sex and its function is ever more obvious. The cultural view of sex is that it’s an activity. We talk about ‘doing it’ and ‘we did it’; an activity primarily done or performed. Moreover, the activity of sex is very clearly categorised…

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