Do Catholics Have Better Sex?

According to research by the Family Research Council, that’s a resounding ‘Yes!’
Drawing on data from a number of studies, devout, married Catholics have the best sex of any demographic group, says study author Patrick Fagan. He relied heavily on information from the National Health and Social Life Survey, conducted by the University of Chicago in 1992, which found the most enjoyable and most frequent sex was associated with a number of factors including:
- Being married,
- Attending church weekly,
- Having had few sexual partners.
This idea that Catholics have better sex was first documented in 1994 when Fr Andrew Greeley, a Catholic sociologist, published “Sex: The Catholic Experience” which claimed that Catholics, compared to noncatholics, had sex more often and enjoyed it more. Among the findings:
- had sex at least once a week (68% vs 56%),
- had bought erotic underwear (30% vs 20%),
- if female, had scored high on a “sexual playfulness” scale (such as undressing your spouse, showering or bathing with your spouse, swimming nude with your spouse) (64% vs. 42%).
The common perception of Catholics is that they are repressed when it comes to sex so these findings were greeted with surprise.

Fr. Greeley suggests that it’s because Catholics see sex as a gift from God; it’s meant to be enjoyed.
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