New Product: Sexuality as Gift

In a world where sexuality is crassly exploited it can be difficult to connect with its giftedness. Yet gift it is: given by God to each man or woman to draw him or her into love.
To be human is to be sexual. Sexuality is fundamental to being human – after all, every single cell in our bodies is chromosomally male or female. From the moment of conception, our sex is immutable.
While ‘sex’ is concerned with a physical, bodily reality, ‘sexuality’ is concerned with body and soul. ‘Sexuality’ describes how we, as a man or a woman, relate to others in all aspects of our personhood – both physically and psycho-emotionally. Sexuality therefore, is expressed as either ‘masculinity’ or ‘femininity’.
These are relational terms; one cannot define them except in relationship to the other. If there was only one sex, we wouldn’t be talking about masculinity or femininity because they derive their meaning precisely because of their difference from each other.
Therefore, it is preferable to talk of the ‘other’ sex rather than the ‘opposite’ sex, because while the sexes are different, men and women are not intended to be in opposition to each other, but rather complementing each other.
Other chapters include: Created Sexual, Differences are A Gift, Passion, Sexual Atmosphere, Romantic Memories, A Mission to Love
The SmartLoving @Home Series can be used by individual couples, small groups or as source material for parishes running marriage enrichment events. Each edition includes reflection questions and inventories as well as practical suggestions for creating a stronger relationship. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee, the PDF download my be shared with up to 10 people in either print or digital format. New Topics added weekly.