Byron talks Relationship Education: ABC Afternoons Melbourne

Byron discusses the benefits of Relationship Education with Richard Stubbs, 774 ABC Radio, Melbourne, Friday Feb 6, 2015

Francine & Byron Pirola

Francine & Byron Pirola are the founders and principal authors of the SmartLoving series. They are passionate about living Catholic marriage to the full and helping couples reach their marital potential. They have been married since 1988 and have five children. Their articles may be reproduced for non commercial purposes with appropriate acknowledgement and back links. For Media Enquiries Please Contact us here

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  1. Conchita on March 27, 2015 at 9:57 pm

    Let us proclaim their Mindset idea! Bravo! Very clear explanation in only 10 mins!

  2. Vic O'Callaghan on February 14, 2015 at 3:59 pm

    This was a clear and insightful summary of what relationships are about. I think one of the problems we have is that people see disappointment and difficulty as a sign that the initial decision to join together is flawed. Sometimes we go through cycles of romance, disillusionment and joy (maybe in one day), and that these are very natural.
    I liked hearing Mr Pirola. Sorry his wife was sick.

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