Understanding Pornography – FREE Resource
April 21, 2016/

A Masterclass with Jonathan Doyle
Want to get your life back or support others in entrapped by pornography?
In this powerful series of videos you will explore key issues such as:
- What is the science behind pornography’s power over men?
- Why is it so powerful?
- How can you overcome addiction or support your friends?
- What cultural and technological factors have made pornography a ‘perfect storm” for fatherless men?
As a man, you can learn how to get help and break through to freedom, or play a greater role as a boyfriend, husband or father. Find out how pornography impacts the women you care aboutand how you can play your role in building a new culture of manhood, service and engagement with the incredible women in your life.
Six high impact, short videos available for FREE from Jonathan Doyle
Access Now
Posted in Relationship Tips
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