Posts Tagged ‘love’
Pope Francis’ advice to married couples
Fatherly words of wisdom!
Read MoreClimax Problems (Sex)
Climax, or orgasm, occurs when the level of arousal reaches a point of intensity that triggers rhythmic muscular contractions in the genital area. Orgasm is also associated with intense experience of pleasure. The release of the hormone oxytocin in the brain at the time of orgasm, stimulates a sense of connection and bonding. In fact,…
Read MoreSex: for pleasure or life-giving love?
From the so-called ‘articles’ in Playboy to public billboards, the social discussion on sex and its function is ever more obvious. The cultural view of sex is that it’s an activity. We talk about ‘doing it’ and ‘we did it’; an activity primarily done or performed. Moreover, the activity of sex is very clearly categorised…
Read MoreWhy you don’t know he’s bad for you
February 20, 2014 By Agi Reefman Most of us have either seen it or done it. The great girl who is going out with (to put it nicely) a guy who’s in need of some personal growth. “What does she see in him?” You ask. “She can do so much better!” “Why does she let…
Read MoreVideo: Movies & Manhood
TED talk: When Colin Stokes’ 3-year-old son caught a glimpse of Star Wars, he was instantly obsessed. But what messages did he absorb from the sci-fi classic? Stokes asks for more movies that send positive messages to boys: that cooperation is heroic, and respecting women is as manly as defeating the villain. (Filmed at TEDxBeaconStreet.)…
Read MoreEngaged Couples Ask Pope Questions
On the feast of St Valentine’s Day, Pope Francis answered the questions of three engaged couples in St. Peter’s Square, with an audience of 20 000 other young engaged couples. Here are their questions: Question 1: The fear of the “forever” Holiness, so many today think that to promise faithfulness for the whole of life…
Read MoreGrowing in Love
The popularity of St Valentine’s Day grew out of the joy of celebrating romantic married love. The celebration also encourages us to renew and develop that love. God is love and this year we focus on one particular aspect of deepening the love of a couple, whether they are engaged or married – that is,…
Read MoreVideo: What is Sex?
St Valentine for the Modern Church
For a number of years we have been involved in the St Valentine’s Day initiative of the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council. It’s a simple project: provide an easily reproducible print kit to Catholic parishes, schools and family movements with content relevant to married and engaged couples. When talking about this resource we get…
Read MoreThe Soul Mate Myth
Chasing ‘Happily Ever After’
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