Theologically sound | Scientifically supported | Aesthetically rich

For couples on the go
Life is busy. Life is unpredictable. You need flexibility and adaptability. Our suite of online courses is designed to deliver high-quality content to you on your timetable, not ours.
We've heard that successful relationships are 'hard work'. Sometimes they are, and sometimes they're easy. Whatever stage or state your relationship is in, making it better shouldn't be a bore.

Instant Access - Global Reach
SmartLoving has been leading the world in Catholic relationship education for over forty years and we're one of the first to innovate with new technologies.
We're committed to providing you with the very best experience that makes growing your relationships in faith and in love easy to access.

Why can't Catholics have the best?
We believe that the things we do for God give honour to God when we utilise all our talents and resources. We believe that everything we produce should be of the highest quality, grounded in our centuries of accumulated wisdom and tradition and tested by contemporary sciences.

Truth and Beauty
We don't compromise on truth or beauty and you shouldn't either. In all our courses, we try to make your experience one that enriches you, your spouse and your family.
Find out more about our online courses and services

For couples preparing to marry in the Catholic Church.

An email series brimming with inspiration, tips and practical tools for your first year.

For singles and couples wanting to live in harmony with their fertility.

Marriage Kit
For married couples wanting to go deeper in love.

For spouses in marriages in distress.

A short course exploring the application of the Theology of the Body to spiritual exercises for the married.

Parish Sponsors
For married couples accompanying an engaged couple.

For dating couples considering engagement

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