A short course exploring the application of the Theology of the Body to spiritual exercises for the married.

A brief introduction to key themes in St Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body
An exploration of the role of sexual intimacy in marriage
Five spiritual exercises designed specifically for married couples
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Adapted from a workshop developed by Byron and Francine Pirola - In Love, With Love, Through Love.
Celibate spirituality has so enriched the Church over the centuries, that it has come to dominate our thinking about spirituality. Most of the typical spiritual activities that come to mind, such as going to daily Mass, saying the Rosary or bedtime prayers, saying the Office, or undertaking an annual retreat do not explicitly address the unique nature of marriage as a sacrament and vocation - anyone can do these things: a single, a spouse, a celibate, a child.
What are the unique spiritual practices for the married? This is a question that SmartLoving has been exploring for several decades through workshops and discussions with hundreds of couples.
This short course presents one simple attempt to document some of what has emerged from these sessions. Join us in this journey as we continue to explore the relevance of marital spirituality to couples and to the mission of the Church.