New Product: Hear Me Know Me
August 31, 2012/

It is often said that we cannot love what we do not know. Listening, truly listening and entering into the experience of our spouse is vitally important if we want to know our spouse and therefore be better equipped to love him/her.
In this the topic for the latest instalment in the SmartLoving @Home series (more info: here) the authors Byron & Francine Pirola outline practical ways to identify habits of weak or ineffective listening which can restrict the growth of our relationships by making us guarded in our communication. By learning the specific behaviours of effective listening, we can transform our communication from shallow and superficial to rich and textured.
Listening is the art of hearing, welcoming and ultimately uniting with our spouse’s deepest feelings and needs.
Other chapters include: Resistance, Sympathy, Emotional Communion, Tough Topics, Communion of Persons.
The SmartLoving @Home Series can be used by individual couples, small groups or as source material for parishes running marriage enrichment events. Each edition includes reflection questions and inventories as well as practical suggestions for creating a stronger relationship. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee, the PDF download my be shared with up to 10 people in either print or digital format. New Topics added weekly.
Posted in Blog, Relationship Tips
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