Welcome to
SmartLoving Conversations
A place to discuss all things Catholic marriage

Married life is messy!
Hosted by Francine Pirola and Laura Cain, our live conversations seek to go deeper into the mystery - and the messy reality - of living Catholic marriage.
With our guests, we explore love, marriage, family and living our Catholic faith.
We've set our sights on heaven but our real and honest conversations keep our feet on the ground.
We've had our triumphs and struggles and so have our guests.
For smarter or dumber, for happy or grumpy, in abundance and scarcity - we're ready to talk!
Join us live on Radio Maria, or on-demand at the links below.
Your Hosts

Francine Pirola
Married in 1988, Francine and Byron Pirola were called into marriage ministry as newlyweds. Over more than thirty years they have worked with couples encouraging and guiding them in their discovery of God’s plan for their relationship. Francine also works with separated and hurting spouses. Grounded in the Theology of the Body, their SmartLoving courses have enriched an estimated 40,000 couples globally. They are parents of five, and grandparents of three.

Laura Cain
Married in 2013, Laura (an Australian) and Joe (an American), met and fell in love on a Contiki tour whilst travelling down Australia's east coast. They now work and live in Sydney, Australia. As part of their ‘prayer in action’ they have had the privilege of accompanying several Engaged couples as their "Sponsor couple" as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Marriage.
Previously working in ministry and communications. Laura now works in Community Engagement with the SmartLoving Apostolate.
Our Patron Saints

Mary Undoer of Knots
She's our mamma and she knows our hearts. She's also a whiz when it comes to knotty relationship problems. Mary Undoer of Knots (or Untier of Knots) is also a favourite of Pope Francis, having received consolation through her in his early life as a young priest. You can read more about her here

St Pope John Paul II
We're Catholics of the JPII generation and we love the wisdom of his Theology of the Body. This teaching is the foundation of all our work in SmartLoving and we continue to be transformed by it. He's also the only canonised saint Francine can claim to have met.
Ask SmartLoving
Do you have a question or tricky relationship situation? Submit your questions here and we'll answer them on the show.
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