Two of Us: Openness in Communication

A couple exercise to establish openness
between spouses with the ability to speak freely
Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions.Write some notes so that you can share more fully with your spouse.
Look with compassion upon me.
Let Your love for me well in Your heart, Father.
I need to feel the tenderness You have for me.
Quiet my soul, unclutter my mind so that I can
hear the love which You are speaking to me.
Let me listen to You with all the attentiveness possible.
Jesus brings You this plea.
1. What about me do I find it most difficult to talk about personally with you?
2. What do I least like to talk about to you about? Check off any that fit your reluctance.
1. Money
2. The future
3. Sex
4. Size of family
5. The Church
6. Your/my family
7. Alcohol
8. My/your work
9. Security
10. Your/my personal habits
11. Children’s discipline/education
3. Write in detail on each one checked, starting with the most serious reluctance.
4. It is nicest to be with you when…
5. I am edgy in your company when…