Video: Many Voices, One Promise


This is a magnificent tribute to the glorious commitment that is marriage. Drawn from multiple cultural and religious traditions, the video celebrates and honours the beauty of the marriage commitment. It is one of a series from Humanum Enjoy!

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The day after the big day

Yesterday we celebrated our daughter’s wedding to a wonderful man and family. Our daughter Kiara looked absolutely radiant with an interior joy; her now-husband Doug, was magnificent – strong, steady and adoring. Their evident love for each other lit up the church and the celebration that followed. As parents of the bride we were afforded…

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How to deal with Wedding Mayhem

|Wedding Plans drive you Crazy

Weddings these days are fraught with stress for engaged couples. Dealing with family expectations, full-time jobs and a wedding industry on the make are some of the unwelcome realities in the attempt to host a unique and memorable event for some 200 plus guests. It’s enough to send any couple eloping and indeed many now…

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Flash Wedding – Short Marriage


Weddings aren’t getting any cheaper. According to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, the average wedding in Australia costs $36,200. Around half ($18,683) goes on the reception (food, alcohol, venue), with the balance going on clothing (~$4,000), photography (~$4,000), entertainment (~$3,000), flowers (~$3,000), the ceremony (~$1,000) and miscellaneous items like the car, hair, makeup and…

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The Wisdom of a Prenup??!

Recently, we’ve been reflecting on prenuptial agreements and we think there’s some merit to them. Gasp! Surely, they can’t be serious you think. Can they really be suggesting something that so conspicuously undermines the sacred meaning of Catholic marriage? Actually we are, but not the stereotypical kind of prenuptial agreement between a wealthy aging male…

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The Rules of Engagement

    Author Tamara Rajakariar This article first appeared in the FamilyEdge section of MercatorNet, a news site dedicated to reframing modern complexities in a framework of human dignity: here Yes, I know, I’ve only been engaged for two weeks. Two weeks and four days, actually, and yes, I am counting. But amidst all the happiness…

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My Many Marriages

We all understand that our marriages go through their ups and downs, but we often don’t appreciate that they also go through fundamental changes over the years. We have come to realise that we have actually had several marriages already in our 26 years together. For example, there was the ‘newlywed marriage’ where we were…

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Singing Priest Rocks Wedding

Irish priest Rev. Ray Kelly has ignited a social media storm (6 million + views at time of writing) with his surprise cover at a wedding earlier this month. Set to Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”, Fr Kelly stunned the bride and groom as well as guests when he performed the customised lyrics towards the end of…

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A How To Guide for Your Catholic Wedding

Your Catholic Wedding Ceremony will be a rich and wonderful celebration, based on universal traditions, and flavoured with your own unique personality. At least one fiancé must be a baptised Catholic in order to marry in the Catholic church. A Catholic wedding can take place within holy Mass (called a Nuptial Mass) or with the…

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OTT Proposals

Seems it is no longer enough to have an OTT (Over The Top) wedding… now the proposal has to be an extravaganza too. Maybe this trend is the counter balance to the wedding inflation as part of the bride’s self-expression (we know what you’re thinking… we don’t agree either – the wedding is not just…

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