Porn free, not free porn


The destructive ubiquitousness of porn: It is not a pleasant topic but we need to get serious about addressing the negative impact of pornography on our society and our relationships. When the western world went into lockdown, one of the biggest porn providers made global headlines when it offered free porn for a month. When…

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Understanding Pornography – FREE Resource

A Masterclass with Jonathan Doyle Want to get your life back or support others in entrapped by pornography? In this powerful series of videos you will explore key issues such as: What is the science behind pornography’s power over men? Why is it so powerful? How can you overcome addiction or support your friends? What cultural…

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Why do men use pornography

Christopher West | The Cor Project | More like this: here I can’t count the number of distraught women who have cornered me at a seminar to tell me the sad tale of a husband or boyfriend addicted to porn. Not that looking at porn is only a male problem. An increasing number of women…

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Tainted Love: Why is 50 Shades of Grey so Popular?

This article first appeared in Patheos and is republished here with the permission of the author. Note:  The following article deals frankly with sexual topics Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that 50 Shades of Grey, a popular soft-core pornographic movie about a timid young woman who is sexually dominated by a billionaire,…

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Porn Isn’t Harmless For Either Those Watching Or Partaking


Originally posted on Exposing the Truth, posted by Michael Thomas Excerpt #1: “As if that wasn’t bad enough, of the 50 best-selling adult videos (amounting to 304 scenes), 90% included physical violence against the talent; additional analysis revealed that of that 88%, 94% of the violent acts were committed against women. Additionally, research shows that 9 in 10 men…

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Pornography and Infidelity


Another contribution to sexual problems is the use of pornography. Pornography has be shown to stimulate the same neural pathways which are associated with other addictions. Like drugs or alcohol, a pornographic image loses it’s impact with repeated exposure leading to be an escalation in the amount and type of porn. Typically, porn addicts progress from…

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