Posts Tagged ‘Marriage’
Knot Yet! #4: Marriage Horizon
What comes first: maturity or marriage? Most of us think that maturity should precede marriage, but research suggests that marriage itself is a maturing process. Marriage and family are well known to have a ‘civilising’ influence on participants. We really noticed this impact in ourselves when we had our first child. All of a sudden…
Read MoreKnot Yet! #2: Age does matter…sort of
Does age matter when it comes to marriage survival? Almost everyone has an opinion, so let’s do some fact checking! It seems like good advice – well-meaning parents offer it all the time… “you’re too young to get married, you don’t know what you want from life yet.” In fact, the prevailing ‘wisdom’ of the…
Read MoreTwo of Us: Atmosphere
Reflect Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions. Write some notes and then share your answers more fully with your spouse. Prayer Father, I don’t praise You enough. I really do know how wonderful You are, even though I don’t always express it. One of the reasons I…
Read MoreKnot Yet! #3: Ticking Clocks
‘The biological clock’ is phrase often used to describe the sense of urgency childless women experience as they age. But are women the only ones whose fertility is age-limited? We’re all familiar with the proverbial ‘biological clock’ that relentlessly taunts childless women reminding them that their time is running out. It’s one of the reasons…
Read MoreTwo of Us: Where I’m Touchy
Reflect Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions. Write some notes so that you can share more fully with your spouse. Prayer Father, at times in my marriage I get discouraged, and wonder if I should not take it so seriously anymore. Lift me out of this and…
Read MoreKnot Yet! #1: Too Young to Wed
When is a person too young to marry? The age at first marriage has differed throughout history and cultures. It’s no news to anyone that the age at first marriage has been steadily rising in almost every developed nation over the past four decades. In the 1960’s both men and women typically married in their…
Read MoreTwo of Us: Symptoms of Hurt
Reflect Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions. Write some notes so that you can share more fully with your spouse. Prayer Why did You ever choose us to be married? When I look at how good my spouse is, I feel he/she deserves so much love, Father. …
Read MoreMusic Video: Restore
Chris August – Restore An song to inspire struggling marriages – that God will light the way.
Read MoreTwo of Us: Sexual Influences
Reflect Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions. Write some notes so that you can share more fully with your spouse. Prayer You know, Father, one of the things that is best about You is making Mary, my mother. It takes my breath away that You could share…
Read MoreAdvice to Husbands – Gerald Rogers
There’s a blog post that’s attracting a lot of attention in the past week from a divorced man sharing the lessons he’s learned. Reading it (below), we can see why it has had so many hits – the inisghts are poignant and of course, women must surely love it. We couldn’t have written a better…
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