The Auto-Pilot Marriage

Crammed schedules, kids to care for, a demanding boss, the ever-present television. No wonder our attentiveness to our couple relationship erodes over time, leaving us with less connection, less spark, and less intimacy. Without an active, intentional mindset, most contemporary marriages end up on ‘auto-pilot’. During courtship, our relationship is central in our awareness and…

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Empathetic Listening

Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

You can’t be a good communicator without being a superlative listener. Ron and Kathy Feher discuss how couples can learn to listen like a professional and enhance their connection.

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Emotional Communion

Emotional Communion is more than just reading or listening actively to what our loved one is sharing. It involves opening our heart in vulnerability to the other, so that we can enter into his or her emotion and be united with them in the experience. The goal of Emotional Communion is to take on the…

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||||Manage your fertility - naturally|Put the sizzle in your marriage|Take your marriage to new levels of joy|Tips and Articles to help your marriage thrive

When we promise to take one another, we promise to take all of that person – body, psyche and spirit. We take one another with all the beliefs, thoughts, feelings and attitudes that each has. We take the biases, prejudices, fears, and anxieties as well as all the dreams and expectations we each have for…

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New Product: Hear Me Know Me

SLHome Hear me Know me

It is often said that we cannot love what we do not know. Listening, truly listening and entering into the experience of our spouse is vitally important if we want to know our spouse and therefore be better equipped to love him/her. In this the topic for the latest instalment in the SmartLoving @Home series (more info: here) the…

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