Posts Tagged ‘conflict’
Video: Breaking Through
When you feel stuck in your marriage, unable to move forward, we call it relationship gridlock. Accumulated hurts keep you both stuck in resentment and defensive. Sometimes it feels like your only choice is to stay and be miserable or leave and start again. But there is another way… Find out about the BreakThrough Online…
Read MoreThe Brighter Side to Arguments
Are arguments a problem in a marriage? Many people think that the presence of arguments signal that something is fundamentally faulty with the relationship.Ron and Kathy Feher explore how arguments do not signify something wrong with the marriage, but are a symptom of and unresolved issue that needs to be addressed.
Read MoreWhat is Forgiveness?
Forgiveness is not an emotion – it’s a choice to surrender our case against the other, to lay down our resentment. Ron & Kathy Feher explore the role of forgiveness in marriage.
Read MoreLove is a Dance
Dr Sue Johnson is a renowned therapist and specialist in attachment theory. For more articles, visit: There are only so many dances in a love relationship. The happier we are, the more fluid and varied the dance with our partner is. We feel safe together so we improvise and play. But do you notice that, when…
Read MoreFive Ways To Help A Struggling Marriage
We’ve all been in that situation. A friend or relative confides in us that they are having some marriage trouble. We want to help but knowing what to do that is genuinely helpful is tricky. Here are a few tips to keep in mind. Use your best listening skills: give your full attention, validate the…
Read MoreA Marriage in Trouble
Stepping Out of the Blender: The Keys of Successful Blended Families Chuck and Melinda were both married and divorced before meeting each other. Married to each other for 5 years, they have two step-children between them. Chuck’s son from his previous marriage primarily lives with his mother, but comes to stay one night a week…
Read MoreWhy Marriages Fail
Why Marriages Fail: And How to Make Sure Yours Doesn’t Allan and Jen asked me to do some marriage preparation counseling with them. Both Catholics, and both from divorced homes, they wanted to know what it takes to “make it.” As Jen explained to me in our first conversation, “Allan and I love each other,…
Read MoreOvercoming Anger
Aaaaaaaarrrrrggg! Overcoming Anger Gregory K. Popcak, Ph.D. But let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. James 1:19-20. “I just lost it.” Said Aaron, 43, discussing a situation that led…
Read MoreEngaged Couples Ask Pope Questions
On the feast of St Valentine’s Day, Pope Francis answered the questions of three engaged couples in St. Peter’s Square, with an audience of 20 000 other young engaged couples. Here are their questions: Question 1: The fear of the “forever” Holiness, so many today think that to promise faithfulness for the whole of life…
Read MoreTwo of Us: Sharing
Reflect Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions. Write some notes and then share your answers more fully with your spouse. Prayer You made me a good person, Father. It is important for You to help me realize that. When I fail, and You know that is too often, it…
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