Posts Tagged ‘arguments’
BreakThrough Strategy – TaNGo
Do you feel stuck in your relationship? Going nowhere? Frustrated and hurt by your spouse’s behavior? Read on to learn about TaNGo, a powerful strategy from the BreakThrough workshop. For additional notes, visit the slide show at Breakthrough – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires To find out more about the BreakThrough…
Read MoreFrancine talks on 3AW
Francine talks with Alan Pearsall on 3AW about relationships.
Read MoreHow a Confidant can Help a SOS Marriage
Be There for a Friend’s Relationship Crisis, But Don’t Give Advice By ELIZABETH BERNSTEIN | Updated Feb. 9, 2015 | Wall Street Journal | Full Article: here Sooner or later, someone in the depths of a marital or relationship problem will want to talk about what’s going on and possibly to ask for advice. Being there for…
Read MoreVideo: Contraception Impact
What most women don’t know about hormonal contraception: a short video.
Read MoreBreakThrough Workshop – Aug 10, Pennant Hills, Sydney
>Identify your conflict triggers. >Learn strategies to de-escalate an argument. >Understand what the real issues are. >Find constructive ways to re-establish connection. All couples go through periods where their relationship is strained. Stress, sleep-deprivation, demands from family and work can starve your marriage of the positive energy it needs and deserves. Soon, you find yourselves arguing…
Read MoreThe Sleep Deprived Marriage
I remember my parents once advising us as newlyweds: ‘Don’t go cheap on your bed! One of the best things you can do for your marriage is make sure you get good sleep.’ At the time, we were rather bemused. However, nineteen years of marriage and five children later let there be no doubt, this…
Read MoreThe BS Detector
Mind Over Matter ‘Mind Reading’ is one of those clairvoyant arts that seems to elude us when it comes to marriage. Too often we make the mistake of assuming that our spouse knows what we need without communicating clearly about it. How many times have we, or our spouse, declared in exasperation to the injured…
Read MoreCouple Prayer
Based in the Sacrament of Matrimony, couple prayer is different to community prayer; it recognises that our intimacy and trust as a couple is directly related to our marital holiness. So the purpose of couple prayer is to not only bring you closer to God, but to also bring you closer to each other. Couple…
Read MoreAutopsy of an Argument
How do you recover from the carnage of an argument? Here’s a game plan to help you heal the rift and learn from the experience! 1. Stop: Allow yourselves time to cool off. Separate and practice some self-soothing techniques such as deep breathing, taking a walk, having a cup of tea, meditating, consciously relaxing each part…
Read MoreAnatomy of an Argument
Have you ever found that you seem to be having the same argument over and over? Sometimes this may be because you didn’t resolve the issue in the previous argument, and so inevitably, it comes up again. But sometimes, there is a déjà vu sense when the issue is new – that comes about because…
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