
Marrying Young

By Francine & Byron Pirola | March 5, 2014

Almost everyone has an opinion about the optimum age to marry but what does the data tell us? We had an interesting call recently from…

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Why you don’t know he’s bad for you

By Guest Author | February 24, 2014

February 20, 2014 By Agi Reefman Most of us have either seen it or done it. The great girl who is going out with (to…

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Video: Movies & Manhood

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 21, 2014

TED talk: When Colin Stokes’ 3-year-old son caught a glimpse of Star Wars, he was instantly obsessed. But what messages did he absorb from the…

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Engaged Couples Ask Pope Questions

By Jess | February 17, 2014

On the feast of St Valentine’s Day, Pope Francis answered the questions of three engaged couples in St. Peter’s Square, with an audience of 20…

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Growing in Love

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 13, 2014

The popularity of St Valentine’s Day grew out of the joy of celebrating romantic married love. The celebration also encourages us to renew and develop…

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Video: What is Sex?

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 13, 2014


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St Valentine for the Modern Church

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 13, 2014

For a number of years we have been involved in the St Valentine’s Day initiative of the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council. It’s a…

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Hold on to what you love!

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 11, 2014

As we fall across the ‘Christmas-NY’ line, we look back on the past month with a sigh of relief and a tinge of regret… yet…

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Recommended Reading – Topic: Sex

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 7, 2014

There are a number of excellent resources available, however some lack the insight of the Christian perspective. In whatever you read, measure the content against…

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Learning Natural Fertility

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 30, 2014

Billings Ovulation Method (BOM)
Creighton Model FertilityCare System
Sympto-Thermal Method
Other Natural Fertility Methods & Support Sites…

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Finding Mr or Mrs Right

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 25, 2014

Many people think that the key to a successful marriage is finding the right person. Clearly there is some common sense to this notion –…

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The Soul Mate Myth

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 24, 2014

    Chasing ‘Happily Ever After’    

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The 11 Differences Between Dating a Boy vs a Man

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 23, 2014

*Original article available here* When I was in my early twenties, if a guy acted aloof, called back only sometimes and showed minimal interest, I…

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Natural Fertility Methods

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 21, 2014

There are a number of natural methods of fertility management, but only a few have been demonstrated to be consistently reliable in avoiding and also achieving a pregnancy…

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Two of Us: Activities

By Christine | January 20, 2014

Reflect Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions. Write some notes and then share your answers more fully with your spouse.…

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