Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

Spiritual Practices in Marriage

By pmrcusa | August 14, 2015

What are the spiritual exercises for married couples? Ron and Kathy Feher talk about how practices from religious life can be adapted for the married…

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In Marriage, Big Boxes Can Be Trouble

By Guest Author | August 13, 2015

Humour is an indespensible asset in a marriage. This week we feature an exerpt from this very funny story by Cindy Chupack in the NY…

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The Benefits of Marrying in your Mid-to-late 20s

By Guest Author | July 31, 2015

W. Brad Wilcox | Washington Post | Full article: here These days, 20something marriage has gotten a reputation for being a bad idea. That’s partly…

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When should Goldilocks marry?

By Francine & Byron Pirola | July 30, 2015

Almost everyone has an opinion about the optimum age to marry – usually heavily influenced by their own happy or unfortunate history. But what does…

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Love Overcomes F.O.M.O.

By Francine & Byron Pirola | July 17, 2015

In our previous column, we talked about FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and the harm it does to relationships, especially among young adults who can…

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How to slow down in an accelerating world

By Guest Author | July 17, 2015

Try losing time with those you love, so says Massimo Introvigne on Mercatornet. Read the full article: here Why are we so busy? After all,…

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Influences of the Family of Origin

By pmrcusa | July 17, 2015

Our Family of Origin has enormous impact on the formation of our ideas and expectations for our relationships. Ron and Kathy Feher explore some influential factors.  

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Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

The Brighter Side to Arguments

By pmrcusa | July 3, 2015

Are arguments a problem in a marriage? Many people think that the presence of arguments signal that something is fundamentally faulty with the relationship.Ron and Kathy…

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The Hidden Cost of a Fear Driven Lifestyle

By Francine & Byron Pirola | July 3, 2015

Have you heard of FOMO? It stands for ‘Fear Of Missing Out’ and it’s an epidemic in our culture. Many parents fall into the FOMO…

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Nine Reasons to Kick Porn to the Curb

By Sam Guzman | July 1, 2015

The Catholic Gentleman | Republished with the permission of the author  Forget Ebola, porn is the real plague consuming our society. It is an epidemic…

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Escaping the Blame Game

By Dr. Gregory Popcak | June 19, 2015

When things go wrong, we love having someone to blame.  It’s a seductive game that makes us think that blaming others will give us control,…

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Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

What is Forgiveness?

By pmrcusa | June 19, 2015

Forgiveness is not an emotion – it’s a choice to surrender our case against the other, to lay down our resentment. Ron & Kathy Feher explore…

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A Second Look at First Sight

By Francine & Byron Pirola | June 19, 2015

So we’ve watched the third and fourth episode of Marriage at First Sight. For those unfamiliar with the series, it’s a reality TV program where…

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Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

Parental Hurts

By pmrcusa | June 4, 2015

Ron and Kathy Feher explain how emotional injuries from one’s parents or family of origin can influence our behaviour into our adulthood and impact on our marriage.

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Marriage at First Sigh

By Francine & Byron Pirola | June 3, 2015

That’s one very big, long sigh. As in ‘here we go again in unreality TV’. Today we took the plunge and sat through the first…

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