Engaged Online Goes Live

There’s great excitement here as we activate SmartLoving Engaged Online for public access. We’ve been working on the platform for three months and are very pleased with the result.
There are still a few things for us sort out and no doubt lots of troubleshooting challenges in the days ahead, which is why we are launching with a special BETA version price of $49 (USD, regular price $179). These rock bottom prices are available for a limited time only until we publish the ALPHA version.
You can access a free sample topic from the info page on the link below.
Spread the word! We’d love to have friends of SmartLoving as our first (friendly) participants.
Mentors Wanted!
One of the great things about online learning is that you can be anywhere in the world and, provided you have a quality internet connection, you can access your course and interact with your fiance/spouse – even if they are on the other side of the planet! This means that we can now serve couples in every corner of the globe – we don’t need to have mentors physically accessible in the same geographic location. However, we will need to have mentor couples!
How so?
Engaged Online is available as either a self-directed or mentor-accompanied track.
In the self-directed track, couples work their way through the course on their own, completing a quiz at the end of each lesson which consolidates the key ideas. Their quizes are uploaded into our system and stored so that when they finish, it can be compiled into a report for their celebrant.
In the Mentor-accompanied track, a mentor works with the couple, interacting with them via their quiz answers, as they progress through. We want to build a vast network of mentors in two categories:
- SmartLoving mentors will be available to anyone, anywhere. They’ll interact primarily via email and will be accredited by MRC.
- Parish mentors can be any couple approved by their parish priest to work with the engaged in his parish. They will be able to interact with the engaged face to face, by phone or email, as often as for every week for all nine lessons, or less frequently, as decided by the parish. As the online environment is fully self-contained, they don’t need to worry about teaching the course – they simply bring their wisdom and support to the discussion as they do the course as participants themselves. So simple!
A new way to bring marriage preparation into the parish
We’ve organised the back end of the course so that parishes simply and easily build a marriage network to embrace their engaged couples.
If you are a marriage educator, priest, deacon, or diocesan leader and would like to review the course for the purposes of referring couples to it, you can apply for a coupon to bypass the checkout. Contact us via the parish information page
Online option sounds great for couples who are not currently co-located.