Two of Us: Attitudes About Sexuality

How do you use the gift of your
sexuality in your marriage?
Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions.Write some notes so that you can share more fully with your spouse.
Father, tell me why I am not completely at ease with my sexuality.
So often I’m tentative, discouraged, self rejecting in this area.
Take me beyond myself and give me Your attitude toward my sexuality.
Jesus, himself is bringing my petition to You.
1. The gift of sexuality in marriage includes: hugging, touching, teasing, working, playing, praying, sharing faith, and sharing feelings with another person. Some of my attitudes about using my gift of sexuality in marriage are: (Check any attitudes which describe you.)
_____ afraid I’ll be misjudged
_____ I frequently use my Gift of Sexuality
_____ I’m cautious because I fear I’ll lose control of myself
_____ I don’t know how without creating genital involvement
_____ “nice” people don’t use sexuality
_____ I’m too shy
_____ It’s a lot of fun
_____ Spouse would think I was crazy if I hugged him/her
_____ Other _______________________________
2. Explain those you checked.
3. What is my greatest sexual gift and how do I use it with my spouse?