Theologically sound | Scientifically supported | Aesthetically rich

Attend a live event…
Sometimes, we need the a little help to get through a course. You might need the motivational ‘push’ of having a course on a specific day, or the assistance of a live facilitator.
Our live courses could be just the thing for you.

Private and Confidential
All our live relationship events are respectful of your privacy. If you are attending a couples course, you can be assured that any group interaction takes place informally over meal breaks – you’ll never be pressured to share about your relationship.

Quality Content
All our presenters work from detailed course notes to ensure that your experience is consistent with the quality content developed by our program authors. Based on decades of practical experience and utilising the very best technologies available at the time. We’re constantly upgrading and enhancing our courses to take advantage of new research and tools to optimise your experience.

Catholics can have the best
We’ve never bought into the idea that to be Catholic we somehow have to put up with cheaply produced resources and substandard presentations. We believe that the things we do for God give honour to God when we utilise all our talents and resources. We believe that everything we produce should be of the highest quality, grounded in our centuries of accumulated wisdom and tradition and tested by contemporary sciences.

Truth and Beauty.
We don’t compromise on truth or beauty and you shouldn’t either. In all our courses, we try to make your experience one that enriches you, your spouse and your family.
Find out more about our online courses
Engaged Live
For couples preparing for (or discerning) a Catholic marriage. Engaged can be run in groups or via couple-to-couple mentoring.
Marriage Seminar
For married couples wanting to go deeper in love. Normally run over a weekend, or can be split up into three evenings.
Breakthrough Workshop
For those in difficult situations or strained marriages. Run as a 3-hour workshop for individual spouses or couples.