Posts Tagged ‘nfp’
Natural Fertility
True love cannot be contained; it always gives life in some form, bursting forth from the couple with irrepressible urgency. For most couples, this life-giving impulse will result in the biological birth of a child. For others, it will be expressed in a shared effort to generously give of their time and talents to others.…
Read MoreNatural Fertility is Just an App Away
It’s now over 50 years since the publication of Humanae Vitae – one of the more controversial Vatican documents in recent history. This letter, addressed to all Catholics, reaffirmed the Church’s opposition to the use of contraception. The document was published at a time (1968) when hormonal contraceptives were newly available. Catholic couples mostly used…
Read MoreThe best worst thing … ever
We’re loving this annimated presentation of how fertility awareness methods stack up against other birth control methods. It’s had over a million views on Youtube and quite a few comments, for and against. Have a watch and let us know your thoughts.
Read MoreNatural Fertility – Hey What?
Couples the world over are adopting Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs – what used to be called Natural Family Planning) with new vigour as they access them via smartphone apps. And it’s not only conservative Catholics and alternative lifestyle naturalists doing so – ordinary couples who just want a reliable, chemical free alternative are the keenest…
Read MoreNatural Fertility Methods
There are a number of natural methods of fertility management, but only a few have been demonstrated to be consistently reliable in avoiding and also achieving a pregnancy…
Read MoreThe Language of Love
Natural fertility methods promote an attitude of shared responsibility for your fertility management and family planning decisions. The process of learning about your fertility and how to apply your knowledge will provide an opportunity for you as a couple to grow in your mutual appreciation of each other and your sexuality. Sexual intercourse is not…
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