Sexual Integrity in a Messed-up World

Last month we convened a national symposium to explore how we, as a church community, might pastorally respond more effectively to those impacted by pornography. While not a fun topic, it is an important one. Important for three reasons. Firstly, pornography usage has been normalised and is now endemic, and not just among men, or…

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Are you ready for marriage?

ready to get engaged||Should we get Engaged?||

So, you’ve been dating for a while. How do you know if you’re ready for marriage? Before you have the ‘forever conversation’, consider these signs to discern if you are ready to commit, should wait a little longer, or should quit now. Marriage Readiness Check List 1: Self-growth You help each other to be better…

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How to deal with Wedding Mayhem

|Wedding Plans drive you Crazy

Weddings these days are fraught with stress for engaged couples. Dealing with family expectations, full-time jobs and a wedding industry on the make are some of the unwelcome realities in the attempt to host a unique and memorable event for some 200 plus guests. It’s enough to send any couple eloping and indeed many now…

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Engaged Online Goes Live

There’s great excitement here as we activate SmartLoving Engaged Online for public access. We’ve been working on the platform for three months and are very pleased with the result. There are still a few things for us sort out and no doubt lots of troubleshooting challenges in the days ahead, which is why we are…

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