Posts Tagged ‘love making’
Climax Problems (Sex)
Climax, or orgasm, occurs when the level of arousal reaches a point of intensity that triggers rhythmic muscular contractions in the genital area. Orgasm is also associated with intense experience of pleasure. The release of the hormone oxytocin in the brain at the time of orgasm, stimulates a sense of connection and bonding. In fact,…
Read MoreIntentional Intercourse
All natural fertility methods require the couple to abstain from sexual intercourse during the time of combined fertility if they wish to avoid pregnancy.
Read MoreTwo of Us: Sex and Sexuality
A couple exercise to explore love making and sexual atmosphere Reflect Separately, say the prayer and spend some time reflecting on the questions. Write some notes so that you can share more fully with your spouse. Prayer What an incredible gift my sexuality is, Father. Though at times, it puzzles and confuses me. I’m not always…
Read MoreThe Language of Love
A sacrament makes visible in a human way something that is invisible or spiritual. In other words, a sacrament images and reveals the mystery of God. Every sacrament has two key aspects which make the sacrament visible: words and gesture. In marriage, the sacramental words are the wedding vows, in effect “I freely give myself…
Read MoreEnhancing Sexual Communion
Looking for ways to deepen your connection and enhance your sexual communion? Try these ideas: 1. Prayer for passionate other-centredness. It can seem like a strange thing for which to pray, but the truth is, God is deeply invested in our sexual intimacy and wants it to be an experience of deep communion. We can…
Read MoreLove Making
Sexual Response Human sexuality is a complex and varied experience; every person experiences their femininity or masculinity uniquely. Moreover, this experience will evolve over the years of a person’s life, and at times bring more grief than joy. Sexual problems are not only common, they are to be expected. Unfortunately, many couples have been misinformed…
Read MoreArousal Problems (Sex)
Arousal has an objective and a subjective component: The subjective component refers to feeling involved, connected and turned on. The Objective component refers to the biological response which includes vaginal lubrication in women and erection of the penis in men. Increased blood flow to the genital area, increased muscle tension and nipple erection are common…
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