Posts Tagged ‘listening’
Being God’s presence to those we Accompany
Pope Francis has called Catholic communities to accompany couples at various stages. What does accompaniment look like, and is there anything special about a Catholic version? A few years back, our 23-year-old son found himself accompanying a stranger. At the time he was working for a building company that specialised in upgrades and maintenance for…
Read MoreHow Expectations Set Us Up for Trouble
When we look back on our early romance, we note how quick we were to trust each other, even recklessly so. We dived into the relationship with ready abandon and little thought for the risks of rejection or disappointment. Since then, our trust levels have strengthened in many areas, and declined in others, as we’ve…
Read MoreFive Strategies to Improve your Marriage
Is it possible to improve a troubled marriage without the cooperation of our spouse? Read on for our top five strategies to improve your marriage. A lot of people feel trapped in a dissatisfying or troubled marriage. They feel powerless to ‘fix’ it because their spouse refuses to join them in counselling or a marriage…
Read MoreListening is the Music of Love
One of the most supremely loving gestures we can give another is to listen to them. Yet for most of us, being listened to is a rare experience. What makes it so hard to give this simple gift to each other? We remember those days so well. The early romance days. Living in two different…
Read MoreThe Danger of Unregulated Self-Expression
Ron and Kathy Feher describe discuss the strengths and weaknesses in communication between spouses
Read MoreKnowing how to Communicate
Drawing on their vast experience, Ron and Kathy Feher explore effective ways for couples to communicate.
Read MoreEmotional Communion
Emotional Communion is more than just reading or listening actively to what our loved one is sharing. It involves opening our heart in vulnerability to the other, so that we can enter into his or her emotion and be united with them in the experience. The goal of Emotional Communion is to take on the…
Read MoreCommunication
When we promise to take one another, we promise to take all of that person – body, psyche and spirit. We take one another with all the beliefs, thoughts, feelings and attitudes that each has. We take the biases, prejudices, fears, and anxieties as well as all the dreams and expectations we each have for…
Read MoreNew Product: Hear Me Know Me
It is often said that we cannot love what we do not know. Listening, truly listening and entering into the experience of our spouse is vitally important if we want to know our spouse and therefore be better equipped to love him/her. In this the topic for the latest instalment in the SmartLoving @Home series (more info: here) the…
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