Sexual Integrity in a Messed-up World

Last month we convened a national symposium to explore how we, as a church community, might pastorally respond more effectively to those impacted by pornography. While not a fun topic, it is an important one. Important for three reasons. Firstly, pornography usage has been normalised and is now endemic, and not just among men, or…

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Nine Reasons to Kick Porn to the Curb

The Catholic Gentleman | Republished with the permission of the author  Forget Ebola, porn is the real plague consuming our society. It is an epidemic of massive proportions and a growing public health crisis. The vast majority of men admit they regularly look at it: Lawyers, doctors, pastors, priests, husbands, it doesn’t matter.  And despite the…

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What is Forgiveness?

Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

Forgiveness is not an emotion – it’s a choice to surrender our case against the other, to lay down our resentment. Ron & Kathy Feher explore the role of forgiveness in marriage.

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Why do men use pornography

Christopher West | The Cor Project | More like this: here I can’t count the number of distraught women who have cornered me at a seminar to tell me the sad tale of a husband or boyfriend addicted to porn. Not that looking at porn is only a male problem. An increasing number of women…

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