Mercy Gospel Reflection: Feb 7
February 1, 2016/

Gospel Reflections for Married Couples
7 February – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In this week’s Gospel, Jesus after teaching at the shore asks some fishermen (Simon Peter and his companions) to put out their nets.
They must have been thinking “what would a carpenter’s son know about fishing?” Yet their catch was SO extra ordinary that they “left everything and followed him.”
We might wonder what Christ would know about our marriage and the challenges of married life.
Perhaps he is also calling you to “not be afraid” and trust that He is with you and your spouse. How could you “follow” Him this week?
A Reflection by Karen and Derek Boylen
Bulletin Clip Version
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Thank you so much for your kind words. Christ really does want to be at the centre of every marriage. The solid foundation upon which to build a life of love together.
Blessings to you and your family!
Derek and Karen
Thank you for this reflection on our Sunday Gospel.
I have often thought of the trust and faith – in Jesus _ that the disciples had to learn.
You have shown how this is also something we have to learn through married life.
God bless you.