The First Divorce Selfie

By Tamara Rajakariar | September 9, 2014

Author Tamara RajakariarThis article first appeared in the FamilyEdge section of MercatorNet, a news site dedicated to reframing modern complexities in a framework of human dignity: hereThis divorce…

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Early Action Can Make the Difference

By Francine & Byron Pirola | September 7, 2014

Imagine if the only time we serviced our cars was when they broke-down.  We could live like this but we don’t for obvious reasons. So…

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Video: Interpretation of the Traditional Parents Dance at a Wedding

By Francine & Byron Pirola | September 5, 2014

This is a different interpretation of the traditional parents dance at a wedding. Enjoy!  

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The Rules of Engagement

By Tamara Rajakariar | September 3, 2014

    Author Tamara Rajakariar This article first appeared in the FamilyEdge section of MercatorNet, a news site dedicated to reframing modern complexities in a framework…

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The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

By Francine & Byron Pirola | August 30, 2014

In a Stanford Business School talk, author Greg McKeown reflects on what holds capable, driven people from breaking through to the next level. He says…

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A Marriage to Remember

By Francine & Byron Pirola | August 29, 2014

My mother, Pam White, has had a full life. In her 67 years she has raised three children, enjoyed a rewarding career as a social…

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My Partner Hates My Job!

By Dr. Gregory Popcak | August 28, 2014

Gregory K. Popcak, Ph.D., MSW.  Finding a balance between work and relationships is a challenge for everyone, but what if you and your partner disagree…

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What Temperament Are You?

By Bernard Toutounji | August 27, 2014

What Temperament Are You? I remember when I was engaged to my now wife Jane, one of the biggest discoveries I had to process was…

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Sleeping with a different woman every night

By Francine & Byron Pirola | August 17, 2014

Married life is many things but it is never boring! When we are talking about marriage to high school students invariably some guy at the…

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My Many Marriages

By Francine & Byron Pirola | August 10, 2014

We all understand that our marriages go through their ups and downs, but we often don’t appreciate that they also go through fundamental changes over…

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porn marriage||How Porn Kills Great Sex in Marriage

How Porn Kills Great Sex in Marriage

By Francine & Byron Pirola | July 24, 2014

According to Sam Black of Covenant Eyes, there are four fundamental ways that pornography undermines marital sex. Contrary to expectations, porn won’t make you a…

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Conscious Uncoupling Debunked

By Francine & Byron Pirola | July 11, 2014

When Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced their intention to ‘consciously uncouple’ last month, the twitter-sphere went crazy. Not only is a Hollywood bust up…

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A Fine Romance?

By Dr. Gregory Popcak | July 10, 2014

Re-posted with permission by Dr. Gregory Popcak Alexis and Jake have been married 11 years. They have three kids, two jobs, one dog and a whole…

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Save a marriage for $200

By Francine & Byron Pirola | July 8, 2014

In July, the Federal Government’s pilot ‘relationship voucher scheme’ comes into effect. The trial period has budgeted for 100,000 couples to receive a $200 voucher…

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What my girly novels taught me about love

By Agi Reefman | July 2, 2014

Selected from Agi Reefman’s blog: New Hope Talks When I wrote this post I was eyeball deep in some heavy theology. Seeing as my brain…

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