Finding God in Community

By Guest Author | February 11, 2015

Ron Rolheiser, OMI | Full article: here God is not, first of all, a formula, a dogma, a creedal statement, or a metaphysics that demands our assent.…

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Byron talks Relationship Education: ABC Afternoons Melbourne

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 9, 2015

Byron discusses the benefits of Relationship Education with Richard Stubbs, 774 ABC Radio, Melbourne, Friday Feb 6, 2015

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Tainted Love: Why is 50 Shades of Grey so Popular?

By Dr. Gregory Popcak | February 6, 2015

This article first appeared in Patheos and is republished here with the permission of the author. Note:  The following article deals frankly with sexual topics…

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Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

A Practical Understanding of Love

By pmrcusa | February 6, 2015

Ron and Kathy Feher describe a practical understanding of the concept of “love” for couples to use, in order to better love one another

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Is it time to change our views of adultery and marriage?

By Agi Reefman | February 5, 2015

Originally posted in New Hope Talks by Agi Reefman A Huffington Post blog post by Lisa Haisha has sparked some discussion about monogamy and marriage.…

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Sacrament Essentials – Reconciliation

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 4, 2015

CathFamily – February 2015 edition features the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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Learn your partners unique love profile

SmartLoving: What it is. How to do it.

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 2, 2015

Want an easy way to understand SmartLoving? Have a look at this deck to find out what it is and how to do it!  

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Ron & Kathy Feher Interview|

Understanding Sexual Differences

By pmrcusa | January 25, 2015

Ron & Kathy Feher explore some of the ways that men and women are different.  

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St Valentine’s Day 2015

By Guest Author | January 22, 2015

This post is reposted from The Australian Catholic Marriage & Family Council In 2010, the Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life launched the St Valentine’s Day…

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The Wisdom of a Prenup??!

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 21, 2015

Recently, we’ve been reflecting on prenuptial agreements and we think there’s some merit to them. Gasp! Surely, they can’t be serious you think. Can they…

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Five Ways To Help A Struggling Marriage

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 19, 2015

We’ve all been in that situation. A friend or relative confides in us that they are having some marriage trouble. We want to help but…

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Conscious Recoupling

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 18, 2015

When Gwenyth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced their intention to ‘consciously uncouple’ earlier in 2014, it was not their divorce that captured public attention, but…

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Ron & Kathy Feher Interview|||

Making Marriage Your Mission

By pmrcusa | January 17, 2015

Ron & Kathy Feher speak about the value of approaching your marriage with a mission mindset.  

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24/7 Connected

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 12, 2015

Our young adult son is in a blue funk. He and his flatmates have been unable to get the internet connected to their new place…

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Is the Catholic Church Obsessed with Sex?

By Jess | December 9, 2014

By Bernard Toutounji (Foolish Wisdom) Without a doubt, the articles I write which attract the most feedback (positive or negative) are always those that discuss…

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