A Field Hospital For The Soul

By Francine & Byron Pirola | April 6, 2018

We’ve written a lot about forgiveness, about the need to forgive others not just because Jesus’ commands us to do so but because it liberates…

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Forgiveness in marriage

Forgiveness Is The Life Blood Of Marriage

By Francine & Byron Pirola | March 19, 2018

“Forgive them, for they know not what they do“. (Lk 23:24) These words of Jesus as he was being crucified were meant not just for…

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St Valentine

St Valentine and Revolutionary Marriage

By Francine & Byron Pirola | February 9, 2018

It’s St Valentine’s day next week. This year, it coincides with Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and a traditional day for penance and…

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Celebrating St Valentine|St Valentine's Prayer Card - Front|St Valentine's Payer card - back|St Valentine's Day Powerpoint|Powerpoint image St Valentine

Celebrating Saint Valentine

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 23, 2018

Bulletin Advertisment A Message for Married Couples on St Valentine’s Day God does not call us to mediocrity. God calls us to be a radical…

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Help For Marriages Under Stress

By Francine & Byron Pirola | January 12, 2018

January is typically the peak month for divorce applications in English-speaking countries. Having made the decision to divorce, many couples agree to postpone the application for…

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Yes is our word. Let’s claim it!  

By Francine & Byron Pirola | December 15, 2017

  Whatever you think ‘marriage’ means, one thing is clear: we need to change our language.  When people think of marriage and the commitment we…

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Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

Affects Of Childhood Wounds On Adult Life

By pmrcusa | November 22, 2017
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making marriage last

Making your marriage last the distance

By Francine & Byron Pirola | November 3, 2017

Falling in love is easy! Staying in love requires deliberate effort. We all start out in marriage full of hope, brimming with love and unbounded…

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Goin’ Natural – there’s an app for that

By Francine & Byron Pirola | October 6, 2017

Making love and making babies … there couldn’t be anything more natural! A new development in the family planning field has brought the Church’s wisdom…

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The Midlife Crisis Reinvented

By Francine & Byron Pirola | September 21, 2017

Recently we were talking with a woman whose husband is in the grip of a midlife meltdown. Actually, she wasn’t the first; there have been…

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Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

The Importance of Marriage to the Church

By pmrcusa | August 23, 2017

Ron and Kathy Feher explain the importance of marriage to the Church.

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Trigger Warning: You might not like this!

By Francine & Byron Pirola | August 21, 2017

We write a lot of articles together. Usually one or the other will do the first draft taking the idea forward as much as they…

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Stop Whining Already!

By Francine & Byron Pirola | August 4, 2017

It might not be official church teaching, but the admonishment against complainers got as close as it’s possible to get when Pope Francis recently posted…

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Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

Men and Sex

By pmrcusa | June 22, 2017
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When Mercy is Hard to Do

By Francine & Byron Pirola | May 3, 2017

Our last column (Bringing Mercy to Marriage) generated some interesting comments from readers on our blog so we thought we’d expand on the topic –…

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