When I am winning, WE are usually losing

“You can either be right, or you can be one, but you can’t be both”. Our mentors were talking to us about a frustrating argument, and we were both digging in.   They were right, of course, but we struggled to put it into practice. It would not be the last time either. Like just this…

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Video: The Sexy Lie

“Caroline Heldman, the chair of the Politics department at Occidental College, explains to her audience what sexual objectification is and why girls are taught that it can be empowering when the reality is far from that. This video is meant for both men and women. We all need to be more informed in order for…

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Criticism Cancer

Criticism Can Kill Criticism kills not only the self-esteem of the one criticized, it also kills the spirit of optimism in the criticizer. In marriage it is a deadly cancer, eroding our trust and destroying confidence in our relationship. Criticism damages our sense of worthiness. When we are criticized, our doubts about ourselves are confirmed.…

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