The Brighter Side to Arguments

Ron & Kathy Feher Interview

Are arguments a problem in a marriage? Many people think that the presence of arguments signal that something is fundamentally faulty with the relationship.Ron and Kathy Feher explore how arguments do not signify something wrong with the marriage, but are a symptom of and unresolved issue that needs to be addressed.

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A Marriage in Trouble


Stepping Out of the Blender: The Keys of Successful Blended Families Chuck and Melinda were both married and divorced before meeting each other.  Married to each other for 5 years, they have two step-children between them. Chuck’s son from his previous marriage primarily lives with his mother, but comes to stay one night a week…

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Anxiety Control


High Anxiety: Seeking Sanity when the World  Goes Nuts “It’s like a mystery novel around here.”  George explained, frustrated with the corporate restructuring his company was going through.  “…And Then There Were None.”                 George’s company was facing layoffs.  Every day, he came into work to find that yet another colleague had gotten the axe. …

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