The Marriage Kit - Online Seminar is a six week workshop series for married couples wanting a lasting, passionate relationship. Facilitated through the SmartLoving learning platform, from the privacy of your home, the course includes self-directed learning with your spouse that you complete together.

Four facilitated Zoom meetings will provide you with opportunities to ask questions, share your insights and connect with other couples in the course.

The first Zoom gathering (Feb 15) will be an orientation session where we'll show you how to navigate the course and set you up for your learning at home.
We'll gather online via Zoom every 2 weeks to touch base and in the final session (Mar 29), hosted by the course authors Byron & Francine Pirola, we'll have a live session not covered in the online course material.

If you have any questions about the seminar you can call SmartLoving on: 0434 346 280

In a Nutshell

Start Date: Feb 15, 2021 

Zoom Meetings: Four Monday evenings from 15 Feb, 1 March, 15 March, 29 March, 2021.

Starting Time: 7:30PM if you live in QLD

8.30PM if you live in NSW

5.30PM if you live in WA

(Each Zoom session will last approx 1 -1.5 hours).

Cost: $25 per couple


  • High speed internet connection (so you can stream the videos and attend the Zoom discussions)
  • A device to access the course (eg laptop, smartphone or tablet). Ideally you will both have your own device so that you can access the online inventories and quizzes simultaneously.  
  • Writing paper/notebooks and pens x 2 (for some of the reflections)

How it works


Once you register, you'll receive a confirmation email and information on how to log into the SmartLoving member site. You may want to take a look around the course before the orientation session.


A few days before the course launch, we'll send you a zoom link (URL) for the first Zoom meeting scheduled for Monday Feb 15. This meeting will include an orientation to show you how to log in and use the online platform. If you can't make this first zoom meeting, we will record it and send you the link to watch later. After the orientation session we will invite you to complete the "Pre-course Marital Potential Quiz". You'll be able to take this quiz again at the end of the course to see the positive impact the course has had on your relationship. 


You as a couple will then have two weeks to work your way privately through Lesson 1 and Lesson 2. There are 6-7 topics in each lesson and it takes about 2 hours to complete each lesson. You can complete the whole lesson in one sitting, or do one unit per day - your choice. You can also complete the lesson remotely if one of you needs to travel for work. If you have questions or need help, you can contact us through the Help Centre, the forum or [email protected]



On the scheduled Monday evenings, we'll gather on Zoom to review the previous lessons, share our insights and answer any discussion questions. No one will be required to share anything unless they choose to, so you can rest assured that your privacy will be respected at all times. These zoom meetings will be an opportunity for you to experience the support of other committed couples doing the course.



Lesson 5 will be completed just before Easter. In the final live Zoom session Byron & Francine Pirola, authors of SmartLoving will join us to explore the role of your marriage in the mission of the Church.



Zoom Sessions

15th of Feb - Orientation

  • Prayer
  • Overview of the course
  • Demonstration of how to log in and find resources on the online platform
  • Pre-course quiz
  • ‘Couple Homework’: You and your spouse will aim to complete Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 before the next Zoom meeting.

1st of March - Review of Lesson 1 & 2 - Mission: Marriage and Love Deconstructed

*Please note that prior to this session you should have completed Lesson 1 and Lesson 2. 

  1. Prayer
  2. Mission: Marriage – Discussion Questions reflecting on the Lesson 1 Topics:
    • Why Marriage?
    • For Better or Worse?
    • Attraction and Sexual Difference
    • Affirmation
    • Daily Appreciation
    • Making Marriage Your Mission
    • Date Night – Your Dream
  3. Love Deconstructed – Discussion Questions reflecting on the Lesson 2 Topics:
    • The Science of Love
    • Love is a Choice
    • Love Needs
    • The Love Tank
    • Respect and Cherishment
    • SmartLoving
    • Date Night – Romantic Memory
  4. ‘Couple Homework’: You and your spouse will complete Lesson 3 & 4 before the next Zoom meeting.

15th of March - Review of Lesson 3 & 4 - Let's Talk...About Sex! and From Me to We

*Please note that prior to this session you should have completed Lesson 3 and Lesson 4. 

  1. Prayer
  2. Let’s Talk! – Discussion Questions reflecting on Lesson 3 Topics:
    • Levels of Communication
    • Emotions and Needs
    • Speaking from the Heart
    • Listening with the Heart
    • Let’s Talk – Gender Differences
    • Communicating for Effect
    • Date Night – Love Letter
  3. Let’s Talk … About Sex! – Discussion Question reflecting on Lesson 4 Topics:
    • Why Sex Matters
    • Just an Activity
    • Desire Discrepancy – Part 1
    • Desire Discrepancy – Part 2
    • Love Choices
    • Date Night: Sensate Focus
  4. ‘Couple Homework’: You and your spouse will complete Lesson 5 before the next Zoom meeting.

29th of March - Marriage as Mission

*Please note that prior to this session you should have completed Lesson 5. 

  • Prayer
  • Input from Byron & Francine Pirola.
  • Questions & discussion



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