Get Started – Online Accompanied Format


Leader Notes include:

  1. Team preparation and promotion of the course
  2. Step-by-step instructions for each in-person gathering
  3. Follow-up communication and social media content following each session

Online Accompanied Notes





Participant Handouts include:

  1. Activities for each of topic in each lesson
  2. Formatted as an interactive PDF to be used on a digital device
  3. Print ready for those who prefer to work with pen & paper

Download Complete PDF , Download Lesson 1, Download Lesson 2, Download Lesson 3, Download Lesson 4, Download Lesson 5







Prayer... a vital part of the course:

  1. Print ready business card template
  2. Self-print on your office computer and manually cut into cards, or
  3. Forward the file to your local stationery printer

Templates for Prayer Cards