5: A Vision for Life & Love

We all agree that parenthood is important and requires a mature and generous outlook. In a Catholic marriage, couples are called to make their family planning decisions with the principles of ‘responsiblity’ or ‘conscious parenthood’. That is, to prayerfully discern how many children God calls them to have and when to have them. A decision…

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Lesson 10: Certificate

The Course Report/Certificate Please note: there is NO certificate or course report available with this sponsor version of the course. You can download a sample of the Course Report below which includes all the questions posed to the engaged couples, as well as ideal answers to give you an insight into how they should be…

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Lesson 10: Certificate

Final Assessment and Certificate To receive your course certificate please read the instructions below: The assessment takes about 30 minutes and all questions can be viewed in the workbook under Lesson 10. It’s a long form – use your laptop or iPad/Tablet device rather than a mobile phone. Please triple check your spelling and capitalization:…

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4: Conscious Parenthood

‘Openness to life’ does not require any specific number of children but rather is an attitude that invites God into your decisions about when to conceive a child.  It is a continual awareness of his presence in the mystery of your love.  Happily, science has now provided a completely reliable yet perfectly natural way to…

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Lesson 9: Soul Mates for Life

It is often difficult for a couple to share their personal faith experiences and spirituality with one another. This lesson helps you unpack your own spirituality and share it in ways that deepen your unity and intimacy KEY CONCEPT: Spiritual Intimacy Sharing personal faith and prayer with each other is the spiritual nakedness that can…

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Lesson 9: Soul Mates for Life

Your spirituality is a rich source for intimate sharing. As it requires deep trust and vulnerability, spiritual intimacy is a powerful way to enhance your unity. It is often difficult for a couple to share their personal faith experiences and spirituality with one another. This lesson helps you unpack your own spirituality and share it…

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3: Understanding Fertility

Most people understand the basics of how a baby is made but few understand how the body signals to us our fertility status. Called Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs), these natural fertility methods allow a couple to reliably manage their fertility without external interventions. Reflect: Fertility Values Tick your top THREE fertility values Health, minimum side…

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Lesson 8: A Living Sign

Holy Matrimony is a vocation to love, a call to lead the people of God into deeper understanding of God’s unrelenting love for us. Learn how to grow closer to each other through shared spirituality and how you are called to witness to the world through your relationship. KEY CONCEPT: Sacrament Matrimony is more than…

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Lesson 8: A Living Sign

Holy Matrimony is a vocation to love, a call to lead the people of God into deeper understanding of God’s unrelenting love for us. Learn how to grow closer to each other through shared spirituality and how you are called to witness to the world through your relationship. KEY CONCEPT: Sacrament Matrimony is more than…

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Lesson 7: Love gives Life

Catholic marriage is orientated towards giving life and establishing a family. Discover one of the gems of the Catholic faith – natural fertility methods – an ethical and reliable way to manage your family planning decisions. KEY CONCEPT: Love Gives Life Our sexual relationship has two inseparable dimensions: Bonding (unitive) dimension – unites husband and…

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Lesson 7: Love Gives Life

Catholic marriage is orientated towards giving life and establishing a family. Discover one of the gems of the Catholic faith – natural fertility methods – an ethical and reliable way to manage your family planning decisions. KEY CONCEPT: Love Gives Life Your sexual relationship has two inseparable dimensions: Bonding dimension – unites you in body,…

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Lesson 6: Sex – Sacred Embrace

Sex is not just a recreational activity, it’s a sacred body language. Discover the profound meaning of sexual love and the central role it plays in Catholic marriage. KEY CONCEPT: Sex as a Language Sex is not just an activity; it is a language, a sacred body language that expresses your total gift of self…

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Lesson 6: Sex – Sacred Embrace

Sex is not just a recreational activity, it’s a sacred body language. Discover the profound meaning of sexual love and the central role it plays in Catholic marriage. KEY CONCEPT: Sex as a Language Sex is not just an activity; it is a language, a sacred body language that expresses your total gift of self…

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Lesson 5: Restoring Unity

When couples need to make decisions, be they minor or significant, it’s easy to get caught in an argument. Learn proactive ways to make couple decisions based on values and strategies to recover when things go wrong. KEY CONCEPTS: Forgiveness Forgiveness is not an emotion. Forgiveness is a choice; a choice to let go of…

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Lesson 5: Restoring Unity

When couples need to make decisions, be they minor or significant, it’s easy to get caught in an argument. Learn proactive ways to make couple decisions based on values and strategies to recover when things go wrong. KEY CONCEPTS: Forgiveness Forgiveness is not an emotion. Forgiveness is a choice; a choice to let go of…

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2: Fertility in Context

True love cannot be contained; it always gives life in some form. For most couples, this will result in the biological birth of a child. For others, it will be expressed in a shared effort to generously give of their time and talents to others. “Masculinity contains in a hidden way the meaning of fatherhood…

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Lesson 4: Building Unity

KEY CONCEPT: Priority for Unity The most important value for a couple is their unity. This applies to the unity between husband and wife, and our unity with our creator God. A decision or choice should always be measured against how well it advances couple unity and honours God’s law.* *God always desires our good…

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Lesson 4: Building Unity

KEY CONCEPT: Priority for Unity The most important value for a couple is their unity. This applies to the unity between husband and wife, and our unity with our creator God. A decision or choice should always be measured against how well it advances couple unity and honours God’s law.* *God always desires our good…

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Lesson 3: Knowing Me, Knowing You

This lesson explores how your relationship experiences have formed your expectations for your marriage. Your family of origin is the most significant influence on your formation. KEY CONCEPTS Formation Our family of origin is the major influence in the formation of our expectations for married life. Typically, we either adopt it without a lot of…

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