Trustworthy instruction for couples preparing for, or living, Catholic Marriage
"Congrats on this great program!
SmartLoving Fertility offers an excellent and accessible way for couples to learn fertility awareness that meets the highest standards of instruction - and it does so without sacrificing the sensual and spiritual aspects of married love to clinical realities. SmartLoving Fertility can help draw spouses closer to each other and to the God who created them to love and be loved."
About the Authors & Why they created this course
Dr Byron & Francine Pirola are the coauthors of the SmartLoving series. They are also the past president of the Australian Council of Natural Family Planning, a national association responsible for the provision of SymptoThermal Method instruction.
"Twenty years ago we wrote 'A Total Gift of Self' - a short booklet designed to pitch the case for FAMs to Catholic couples. We later developed this into a series consisting of the booklet, a 33min DVD and educator resources. As a Total Gift of Self is method agnostic (ie it promotes all morally sound FAM methods) it has been very popular. Around 70,000 copies of the booklet have been distributed through marriage preparation courses in Australia, NZ, UK and USA and many thousands have also accessed the online DVD.
A Total Gift of Self is also part of the SmartLoving Engaged Course which has prepared tens of thousands for Catholic marriage in the last decade. When we analysed the feedback from graduates on the SL Online Engaged course we were stunned to discover that 62% were planning to or already learning FAMs and a further 32% were open to it in the future. Only 5% said they wouldn't use FAMs.
Our graduates live all over the world so it became obvious that offering an online course to learn how to use FAMs was needed so that we could offer prompt and effective follow up. SmartLoving Fertility is our response."

There's an App for that!
In recent years, there has been an explosion in popularity of fertility apps which have been downloaded by tens of millions of users. While some function as simple period trackers based on calendar calculations, some also track basal body temperature, cervical secretions, ovulation tests and other indicators. Many of these also employ sophisticated algorithms to interpret the biodata so that the user doesn't even need to understand her fertility to use it.
Importantly, most of these apps operate from a completely secular worldview most evident in their indifference to using barriers or withdrawal during the fertile window. Some also record artificial insemination among the 'sex' options to note on the record.
A SmartFertility app is in the planning stages and when launched will offer Catholic couples a convenient way to track their fertility in a morally supportive environment.
SmartLoving Fertility has the following features
Unapologetically Catholic
Unlike many of the secular options, and even Catholic backed methods which are ethically consistent with Catholic teaching but keep their presentation of the method clinical, SmartLoving Fertility incorporates the theology and lifestyle discussions into the learning process. We are not targeting the general public so all our presentations assume a Catholic lifestyle.
Husband friendly
Consistent with our broader relationship apostolate, the course includes discussion questions to assist the couple in developing a deeper understanding of each other, and engage both husband and wife (or both fiances) in the learning process.
Conscious Parenthood Discernment
Built in to the SmartLoving Fertility method is the Couple Check In - a simple framework for the couple to use each cycle to assist them in discerning their pregnancy intention. Most other methods assume that the couple has already made their pregnancy intention decision, and the responsibility of the method is to simply instruct the couple in how to implement it. This approach leaves these methods open to being used with a contraceptive mentality. The Couple Check In a 3 step discernment that draws inspiration from Humane Vitae 10 which calls couples to 'recognise their duties toward God, toward themselves, toward the family and toward human society, .. [in] a correct set of priorities".
Married Couple Spirituality and Sensuality
The course makes a clear distinction between 'genital contact' and 'sexual contact', the former being very specifically defined for the management of pregnancy intention. Sexual contact on the other hand is essential for the health of the marital relationship and should be part of their relationship every day including days of restraint from genital contact. One of the spiritual exercises we have long promoted through the SmartLoving Marriage retreats is the practice of Skin-to-Skin - 15-20 minutes daily in naked, mutual contemplation and loving presence; a kind of adoration of the presence of God in the body of our beloved. This spiritual practice is transformative for couples and one which beautifully compliments FAM requirements for periods of restraint from genital activity. [NB we were very pleased to see that the Creighton Method literature also makes the distinction between genital and sexual contact and affirms the need for couples to maintain sexual contact on every day of the ovulation cycle].
Course Overview
Supports Couples to Foster Intimacy and Help them Flourish
SmartLoving Fertility is not just another birth control method. It's a framework for living marriage within the Catholic Faith.
Based on the Sympto-Thermal method, it incorporates a unique blend of scientific insights with relationship frameworks and Catholic Theology to foster intimacy and help couples flourish.
Helps Couples Grow Closer as a Couple
Support for Couples to Raise a Family and Keep their Marriage Vibrant
Teaches Couples to Manage their fertility naturally, confidently and with more freedom
SmartLoving Fertility Promotional Video for Couples
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Please note this FREE access is only for Church leaders in order to review the course to assess if it is suitable for use in their diocese or parish.
If you are a couple wanting to enroll in the Fertility course please visit: