Sex & Fertility
Romantic Atmosphere
Sexual atmosphere is a climate of tenderness, openness, responsiveness and generosity that is created when you are attracted out of yourself and allow your masculinity or femininity to be fully alive and active. It’s like a non-verbal communication between you that signals your attraction to and receptivity to each other. You may be tempted to…
Read MoreThe Language of the Body
A sacrament makes visible in a human way something that is invisible or spiritual. In other words, a sacrament images and reveals the mystery of God. Every sacrament has two key aspects which make the sacrament visible: words and gesture (or matter and form in the more technical language of the Church). In marriage, the…
Read MoreSacred Body Language
When sex is approached as a way to communicate your desire to be one in marriage, it is an exciting and thrilling experience. With heightened awareness of the meaning and the message of each look or touch, you will be more fully present and can open yourselves to loving and being loved at a deeper…
Read MoreThe Message of Intercourse
When a couple wants to give themselves completely to one another, nakedness communicates that kind of extraordinary generosity and openness. It says: “I give you my whole self and I accept you in full knowledge of who you are” Once you are ready to say: “I love you permanently and totally”, it is natural to…
Read MoreThe Body As A Theology
Actions are far more powerful than words. Every look or touch can communicate clear messages that reveal your attraction and your desire to be for the other. As those messages grow more generous and committed, so too does the corresponding body language. All love is based on truth and sincerity. In the love between a…
Read MoreSex As Communion
Sex is something we ‘say’, not something we ‘do’. It is the most intimate communion between a man and woman and is so much more than just a physical activity and yet almost everything around us – movies, magazines, books, even your friends and relatives-approach sex as something we ‘do’. Most people never question this…
Read MoreThe Spousal Meaning of the Body
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.” … So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.…
Read MoreThe One Flesh Union
It can be hard to get our heads around the amazing gift that Jesus made of himself by dying on the cross for our salvation. We are told that it was a personal sacrifice, that if we were the only one in need, he would have still gone through with it – his love for…
Read MoreNatural Fertility – The Vision
Being married in the Catholic Church is both a challenge and a privilege. Unlike secular marriage, Catholic couples are called to a radical lifestyle of total self-giving to each other; a lifestyle that goes against many of the expectations of our contemporary society which glorifies personal fulfilment and enshrines individuality. These social expectations are especially…
Read MoreSex: for pleasure or life-giving love?
From the so-called ‘articles’ in Playboy to public billboards, the social discussion on sex and its function is ever more obvious. The cultural view of sex is that it’s an activity. We talk about ‘doing it’ and ‘we did it’; an activity primarily done or performed. Moreover, the activity of sex is very clearly categorised…
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