Unity in Scripture

Father… As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all…

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Marriage Seminar – Talk Presentation

The Marriage Seminar – Talk Presentation Preparing and delivering a Marriage Seminar talk Mentality  The mentality that presenting couples have in approaching how they give their talks is vital in communicating the essence of the message of Celebrate Love. This attitude needs to one of humility and service. This is not about being ‘in the…

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Marriage Seminar – Spiritual Preparation

There is always lots to do at the last minute – checking talks, packing your things, getting children and the bigger kids organised.  While the practical preparation is important, so too is your spiritual preparation. Before the Seminar. A couple of things we encourage presenting couples to do before a seminar is to ensure you don’t…

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Mentoring – Spiritual Preparation

There is always lots to do at the last minute – checking talks, organising refreshments, getting children and the bigger kids organised.  While the practical preparation is important, so too is your spiritual preparation. Couple-to-Couple Mentoring/Small Group Ensure you don’t neglect your Skin-to-Skin*. This is so important to your couple unity. Forget about the logistics and…

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Mentoring – Session Preparation #1

One of the advantages of Mentoring in the home is that the Mentors don’t need to be skilled presenters. In fact, the desired atmosphere is one of friendly and personal hospitality. Above all else, Mentors need to be relatable and approachable. Professionalism and heavy theology can actually be a barrier to building rapport with the…

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Group Adaptations

While the course is designed for the mentoring format, it has been successfully adapted for small home groups and even larger parish groups. Groups offer the opportunity for couples to exchange ideas though it should be noted that this is a secondary agenda; the primary purpose of the course is to deepen the couple’s intimacy…

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Romance in Scripture

  Why is the Song of Songs favoured by mystics? What is it about this book in the Bible that attracts so much attention? Surely the answer is that the language – poetic, erotic and sensual – speaks profoundly to the hearts of those who hunger for intimacy with the lover of our souls. This…

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Sexuality – A Resource for Loving

Sexuality touches upon every aspect of our personhood, body and soul, and it is expressed as either masculinity or femininity. It is developed and expressed primarily through relationships. Our masculinity or femininity draws us into relationship and makes us attractive to the other sex. When we are attracted to another, our good qualities are brought…

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Understanding Fertility

Male Fertility Under normal circumstances, men are fertile all the time. Sperm are produced continuously by the testes at a rate of around a hundred million per day. The testes begin sperm production at puberty and continue until the man dies, although the number and quality decline with age. Female Fertility Women are fertile for…

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