We would like to ask you to now take the time to take impact quiz again to compare your results, nd complete a feedback survey so that we can improve the course. Impact Quiz Step 1 of 11 9% Part IThinking about your relationship in the past week (if it wasn't a typical week, answer in terms of a typical week in the past month)... 1. How would you rate your personal contentment in your relationship?*Very DiscontentedDiscontentedNeutralContentedVery Contented 2. How often did you think that things were going well between you?*Never or rarelySometimesMostlyAlways3. How safe and at ease did you feel in your relationship?*Never or rarelySometimesMostlyAlways 4. How often did you feel hurt or disappointed in your relationship?*NeverOnce or twiceAlmost dailyLost Count5. How often did you connect on a significant level?*NeverOnce or twiceAlmost dailyLost Count6. How often did you laugh or have fun together?*NeverOnce or twiceAlmost DailyLost Count 7. How often did you have time together (of 10+ mins) for just the two of you?*NeverOnce or twiceAlmost dailyLost Count8. How equitable do you think your relationship is (ie both are contributing)?*NoneA LittleAcceptableGood9. How often did you argue or disagree?*NoneOnce or twice3-4 TimesEvery dayLost Count 10. How many positive to negative interactions did you have?*Only NegativeMostly NegativeAbout EvenMostly PositiveOnly Positive11. How often were you physically intimate (sex, kissing, caressing, other non-genital touch etc)?*NeverOnceTwiceThree timesFour timesLost Count Part 2Thinking about yourself in the past week…12. How often did you make a gesture of kindness or service towards the other?*NoneOnceTwice3-4 TimesEvery dayMore than Daily 13. How often did you express affection towards the other?*NoneOnceTwice3-4 TimesEvery dayMore than Daily14. How often did you express gratitude and appreciation to the other?*NoneOnceTwice3-4 TimesEvery dayMore than Daily 15. How often did you speak or act in anger towards the other?*NoneOnceTwice3-4 TimesEvery dayMore than daily16. How often did you criticise or negatively judge the other?*NoneOnceTwice3-4 TimesEvery dayMore than daily17. How often were you dishonest with the other (withheld information, kept a secret, misled or lied)?*NoneOnceTwice3-4 TimesEvery dayMore than Daily 18. How much did you grow or develop as a person?*Went BackwardsNo GrowthGrew a LittleGrew a Lot19. How committed are you to becoming a better husband/wife?*Not at allSomewhatA littleTotally20. How hopeful are you with regards to the future of your relationshiip?*Total DespairDespairCautiously HopefulExtremely Hopeful Your Sex* Male Female Relationship Status* Dating Cohabitating/Defacto Engaged Married Remarried Separated Divorced Sexual Status*Please select the one that best describes your relationship. Pre-sexual - some physical intimacy but no intercourse Sexual - includes genital intercourse Post-sexual - were previously sexual but are not currently so. What SmartLoving course did you do? Discern Engaged Fertility Sponsor Newlywed Marriage Kit Breakthrough Theology Other Name* First Email* We need this so that our system can send you a reminder in 6 months time to do the quiz again.CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Feedback "*" indicates required fields 1Impact2Rate3Comment4Promotion5Demographics ImpactHow did you engage with the BreakThrough material?* Enrolled in the Online course Did the course on my own Did the course with my spouse I did the course with a friend I had a BreakThrough Companion I had a SL Coach I attended an in-person event I attended an Online group event Other How did you use the Participant notes? I had a print copy and pen I used the interactive PDF I used a notebook to answer the questions What participant notes? I didn't know it existed Do you plan to do the 40-day Gratitude Challenge?YesNoPossiblyDo you plan to use the TaNGo tool?YesNoPossiblyTime out | Needs | GratitudeDo you plan to use the Daily Prayer for My Marriage?YesNoPossiblyHow would you describe your emotions about your marriage before BreakThrough?1. Extremely Content2. Content3. So So4. Discontent5. Extremely DiscontentHow would you describe your emotions about your marriage after BreakThrough?1. Extremely Content2. Content3. So So4. Discontent5. Extremely DiscontentHow has BreakThrough benefited you and your marriageAre you interested in... (check all that apply) Having a SL Coaching session? Doing other SL online courses? Attending a SL Marriage Weekend Seminar? Attending a live Workshop? Hosting a SL event or course in your community? Training to be a BreakThrough companion? Rate BreakThrough on the following:1. Information presented about relationships and arguments1. Not at all helpful2. A little helpful3. Very Helpful2. Video presentation style1. Not at all helpful2. A little helpful3. Very Helpful3. Reflection points and activities1. Not at all helpful2. A little helpful3. Very Helpful4. Practical Strategies1. Not at all helpful2. A little helpful3. Very Helpful5. Prayer1. Not at all helpful2. A little helpful3. Very Helpful6. Being able to complete the course without your spouse1. Not at all helpful2. A little helpful3. Very Helpful Comments/SuggestionsDo you have any suggestions to improve BreakThrough and/or suggestions for topics? Promotion1. How did you hear about BreakThrough? Tick all that apply and give details below. Spouse Recommendation by SmartLoving participant Other person Parish bulletin/website Internet Search Social Media (which one) SmartLoving eNews Brochure/Flyer/Poster (where did you get it) Other (give details below) Extra details2. What factors were most influential in your decision to participate? (tick all that apply) Encouragement from priest/deacon/minister Recommendation of past attendee Recommendation of counsellor Endorsement of the workshop by the diocese/Bishop Our marriage needed the support Looked like something I/we would benefit from Have already tried counselling On-demand - available immediately Live event in my local area Privacy from the community Privacy from my spouse Minimal cost Gift certificate/subsidised access Other/extra details Demographic InformationYour Name First Last Email Sex*MaleFemalePrefer Not to AnswerAge*Under 1818-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerState of Life/Marital Status*SingleDatingEngagedMarriedWidowedRe-MarriedSeparatedAnnulledDivorcedConsecrated/CelibateYears Married Number of Children Religion How often do you attend Church?Weekly or more2-3 per monthAbout once a monthOccasionally (1-6 times per year)Almost never (less than once a year)