The Intentional Couple Micro-Course

Leaders Info

If your Diocese celebrates an annual Anniversary Mass for couples, we would like to offer
a FREE Anniversary Gift ... The Intentional Couple Micro-course.

Promotional Brochure

This brochure can be printed by your team, or order copies from our office. Contact us at [email protected]
Distribute the brochures to the married couples at the Anniversary Mass.

Print brochure here

Review the Course

The on-demand micro-course will give your couples a one-hour taster of the SmartLoving marriage enrichment course - The Marriage Kit. 
The experience includes videos and activities for the couple to complete together.
Review the course content by filling out the form below.

What your couples will see

From the brochure your couples will be directed to a landing page (see preview below). Once there, they can enrol for FREE to access the micro-course.

When complete they will be invited to continue their enrichment experience with The Marriage Kit or other SmartLoving resources.


We're ready to collaborate with your community!

With a comprehensive suite of online courses and leader kits, our partner packages can be customised to complement your existing resources. Many of our online courses can be used independently by the couple or spouse, or facilitated by a local leader in a group experience. With high-quality video production, interactive quizzes, couple activities and practical everyday tools, SmartLoving courses are engaging and effective.  

Book an obligation-free video consultation to discuss your custom solution today!

Or contact us via [email protected]