Money Matters

Money is cited as one the most frequent causes of arguments among couples. This is because money is not simply notes and coins; it is the means by which we access a whole lot of different and important things, like security, sustenance, material goods, status, influence, protection, gratitude of others and self-esteem, to name a…

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Windows of the Soul

A useful framework for developing our Emotional Intelligence, The Johari Window, helps us visualise how we can expand our self-awareness and deepen our intimacy. Picture a four-paned window that represents you. Within the window is everything that is known and unknown about you. It includes factual information such as your age, sex, which school you…

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The Wisdom of a Prenup??!

Recently, we’ve been reflecting on prenuptial agreements and we think there’s some merit to them. Gasp! Surely, they can’t be serious you think. Can they really be suggesting something that so conspicuously undermines the sacred meaning of Catholic marriage? Actually we are, but not the stereotypical kind of prenuptial agreement between a wealthy aging male…

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