Prepare your couples with Engaged Online
The best online Catholic Marriage Preparation course on offer, Engaged Online allows you to provide high-quality, flexible Catholic marriage preparation from within your own parish. 
"SmartLoving Engaged is without a doubt the most exciting initiative in Catholic parish-based marriage preparation. It delivers the Church's teaching in an engaging and uplifting way, through practical insights and relatable information for young couples."​​​​
How it works!
Meet & Enrol
The Priest meets with the Engage Couple to complete paperwork, book the church and enrol in SmartLoving Engaged Online.
Course Participation
The couple completes the course at their own pace, ideally one lesson per week. Each lesson includes tools to practice before the next lesson.
Graduation & Follow Up
On completion, the couple is issued their Course Report and Certificate. The couple and priest meet to review the Report and discuss learnings.
Your options: you decide!
Keep it Simple
You can opt for a simple, no fuss solution by instructing your engaged couples to enroll in the Self-Directed track. They will then be back in your office several months later with their course report detailing their learning. The course report with provide you with insight into their learning which you can discuss with them.
Build Parish Mentors
If you are a well-resourced parish, you may want to consider a more active solution by recruiting Mentor couples from among your parishioners. This has the advantage of allowing regular face to face meetings between mentor and engaged couple and provides your married couples with a powerful marriage enrichment experience.
Get the Parish Involved
You might like to ‘bookend’ the course with a blessing at Sunday Mass for the engaged at the beginning of the course and then again on graduation, making your marriage ministry more present to your parish community, thus helping to recruit more mentors.
Providing couples with a solid foundation on which to build their marriage through comprehensive preparation, including activities, discussion points, videos and more!